Exercises that we support
CCDCOE contributes to almost all major NATO exercises and to other national or international initiatives upon request

Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXercise (CWIX)
The greatest test of NATO’s interoperability. It is a live exercise in which NATO Allies and partners practice sharing tactics, techniques and procedures to improve the detection of cyber incidents and the response time needed to identify and resolve new emerging security threats. CCDCOE supports the exercise with planning, training, execution and evaluation, mainly in redteaming activities and Test Case Analysis.

Trident Juncture
NATO´s largest exercise in decades, where NATO Allies and partner countries are testing their ability to operate together to defend our populations and territories and deter potential adversaries. CCDCOE provides cyber experts in the development and scripting, Crisis Response Planning, trainings and execution evaluation

Trident Jaguar
This NATO exercise trains and evaluates crisis response operations involving high intensity war fighting capabilities in the early phases of such operations, in a NATO non-Article 5, Land-heavy, Small Joint Operations. CDCOE contribution provides cyber experts in development and scripting, crisis response planning, trainings and execution evaluation.

Cyber Coalition
Cyber Coalition is NATO’s flagship cyber defence exercise and one of the largest in the world. The exercise tests and trains cyber defenders from across the Alliance in their ability to defend NATO and national networks. CCDCOE experts participate in the planning and execution of the exercise, contributing with operational, technical and legal storylines to develop overall aims of the exercises.