Prof. Marco Roscini

Marco Roscini is Full Professor of International Law at the University of Westminster and a Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy. He has a PhD from Sapienza University of Rome.

Prof. Roscini has actively contributed to the NATO CCDCOE’s activities for several years. He was one of the peer reviewers of Tallinn Manual 2.0 and is currently a peer reviewer for the Cyber Law Toolkit. Since 2022, he has also been a core lecturer in the International Law of Cyber Operations Course. Additionally, he serves on the Advisory Board of the global collaborative project The Handbook on Developing a National Position on International Law in Cyberspace: A Practical Guide for States, set to be published by NATO CCDCOE in 2025. The project is led by the University of Exeter, in partnership with the NATO CCDCOE and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and Japan. Prof. Roscini also contributes to the NATO CCDCOE’s forthcoming book International Law and Artificial Intelligence in Armed Conflict: The AI-Cyber Interplay.

Prof. Roscini is the author of three monographs: Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones, Giappichelli 2003), Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law (Oxford University Press 2014) and International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention: History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles (Oxford University Press 2024). He is also the co-editor of Non-proliferation Law as a Special Regime (Cambridge University Press 2012) and the author of several articles and chapters in important international peer-reviewed journals and edited books. His publications have been widely cited in legal literature and judicial decisions.

Prof. Roscini is an internationally renowned expert on the international law of cyber operations. His pioneering monograph Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law, published by Oxford University Press and, in its Chinese edition, by Law Press China, remains one of the most referenced works in this subject area. His latest book on International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention contains a lengthy chapter on the topical problem of the application of the principle of non-intervention in cyberspace. Prof. Roscini has also published several articles and book chapters on aspects of the application of international law in cyberspace, particularly in the areas of the use of force (jus contra bellum) and international humanitarian law (jus in bello).

Prof. Roscini has also advised governments on the international law of cyber operations. In 2020-2022, he worked with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to draft the Italian position on the application of international law in cyberspace. He is currently a member of the committee entrusted by the Italian government with drafting the Military Manual of international law applicable to military operations, that is, a set of rules that will guide the Italian armed forces when conducting military operations.

In recognition of his expertise, in 2024 Prof. Roscini was invited by the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law to be one of the two directors of the Centre of Studies and Research 2025 devoted to Artificial Intelligence and International Law.